RM178: Full Court Review in 7th Circuit

RM178: Full Court Review in 7th Circuit

On the most exciting episode of Registry Matters, ever: We’re going to be discussing how the AWA defines a tier three registrant; Then we’re gonna come back to this case from the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals from Indiana; Then I have a funny point to add about the case from Montana that we talked about last week that’s on appeal in the Ninth Circuit. There’s a guy on the NARSOL website that is going crazy, insisting that that had nothing to do with homosexuality. But yet, I quoted from the judge who made the decision, who said that it had everything to do with that. So I find it find it very strange that you can look at direct quotations, and say that it had nothing to do with homosexual sex. That is so bizarre. But anyway, we’re gonna have some questions, including one we carried over from last week, and so we’re going to be busy.

[6:13] Tier Three Designations in Virginia

[9:05] Question about dual citizenship from Sean

[19:33] Question about first hand testimony; is it hearsay?

[25:13] En Banc hearing in Seventh Circuit challenge to Indiana Sex Offender Law

[46:50] https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/momentum-builds-for-second-look-legislation-that-allows-inmates-to-get-their-sentences-cut

[51:00] https://www.scotusblog.com/2021/05/justices-divided-on-retroactive-application-of-jury-unanimity-rule/

[54:13] https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/politics/legislature/article_6588e32e-b274-11eb-88be-cb91ae3a9ce0.html

[58:48] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/19/us/krasner-vega-philadelphia.html

[1:00:35] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UIZF5fdjd8CTjBZ5WYs0NFMkW2vK7BBcynVF49Z_WmY/edit

[1:01:45] https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/mississippi-court-upholds-life-sentence-for-pot-possession/2021/05/12/4bff2dc6-b36b-11eb-bc96-fdf55de43bef_story.html


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RM178: Full Court Review in 7th Circuit

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