RM273: Dark Secrets of FCI Dublin: The Tale of Sexual Exploitation

RM273: Dark Secrets of FCI Dublin: The Tale of Sexual Exploitation

Tonight, we’re not dealing with any cases to dissect, so we’ll be focusing on other activities. We do, however, have a case from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals that concerns civil commitment. We’ve also got some articles and comments to discuss.

[4:51] A listener expresses gratitude for addressing their issue and questions the possibility of multiple case numbers being filed for child pornography images. Larry explains that such a charging strategy could be justified in certain circumstances, like different victims or behavior separated in time, and the defense can still file a joinder motion.

[13:22] https://www.foxnews.com/video/6331972414112
A video from Fox News about Miracle Village in Florida and considers the possibility of a lawsuit due to biased reporting. Larry advises against pursuing legal action as it would be challenging to meet the required standards for a successful lawsuit. They discuss the idea of compiling evidence of journalistic violations but acknowledge the difficulty in proving harm and initiating a lawsuit on behalf of the citizens of Miracle Village. Organizational standing is seen as a potential obstacle to pursuing legal action.

[27:32] https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-07-14/two-more-corrections-officers-charged-with-sexual-abuse-of-inmates-at-notorious-fci-dublin
Two former corrections officers at FCI Dublin, Nakie Nunley, and Andrew Jones, have been charged and pleaded guilty to sexually abusing female inmates at the San Francisco Bay Area prison, known as “the rape club.” Nunley, who worked as a supervisor at a Unicor call center staffed by inmates, was charged with having sexual contact with five victims and lying about the incidents to federal investigators. He also threatened one inmate with transfer and job loss if she didn’t comply with his demands. The ongoing investigation has led to convictions of other prison staff, including Warden Ray Garcia and prison chaplain James Highhouse, as well as four other corrections officers. The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General is actively pursuing justice for the victims of sexual abuse at FCI Dublin. Garcia and Highhouse have already been sentenced to prison terms for their involvement.

[33:41] https://www.courthousenews.com/trafficking-bill-gets-new-life-after-pushback/
The state Assembly’s Public Safety Committee initially failed to pass a sex trafficking bill but later voted in favor of it after reconsideration. The bill aims to add human trafficking of a minor for commercial sex acts to serious felonies, but some Democrats expressed concerns about the three strikes law’s effectiveness in preventing crime. Governor Gavin Newsom’s involvement and Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas’ discussions with the bill’s author may be influenced by political considerations.

[33:41] https://www.courthousenews.com/trafficking-bill-gets-new-life-after-pushback/
The Eighth Circuit upheld the Minnesota Sex Offender Program, stating that it does not violate detainees’ constitutional rights. The program detains certain sex offenders indefinitely, with judges determining them to be “sexually dangerous persons” or having a “sexual psychopathic personality,” and although there were past challenges to its constitutionality, the court ruled in favor of the program’s conditions and objectives.


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The Registry Matters Podcast’s mission is to cover issues surrounding the Registry. We cover cases that will peel back the veneer of what we need to do to change our lives for the better. We cover news articles that spark conversations about the total insanity of this modern day witch hunt. This podcast will call out bad policy and call out those that are making bad policy.

To change things for the positive, we need to act. We are 6-7-8-900k strong. With that many people, plus their friends and family, over a million people are affected by the registry. We should be able to secure donations to hire lawyers and lobbyists to move the agenda in our favor. We need our people to be represented.

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