RM98: Watching Porn In Your Car is a Bad Idea

RM98: Watching Porn In Your Car is a Bad Idea

Episode 100 – 2 (or 98 for those arithmetically inclined), we received a bunch of listener questions to tackle – always great to engage with listener challenges. A question from Jeff in Kentucky about pocket parks and being forced to move versus grandfather clause; Dave is asking for clarity in Wisconsin where another advocacy group stated they might be able to have their plea withdrawn for misinformation; Then from a new patron is a complex question regarding dissenting opinions and other appellate court decisions; A Halloween update – NARSOL Halloween Marathon, GA update; An interesting case of watching porn in your car, doesn’t work out well for the viewer; Prosecutors are given a taste of what post prison challenges are like; Sextortion botnet are sending out 30k of emails per hour extorting money from people; A new app by Offender Watch spies on your children under the guise of keeping them safe;

[3:45] Listener question about pocket parks in Kentucky
Commonwealth v Baker_KY Supreme Court 2009_Residency Restrictions

[7:30] Question about GPS monitoring in Wisconsin

[13:00] A complex question about SCOTUS dissents

[32:30] Halloween Update, Halloween Marathon

[35:00] https://wfxl.com/news/local/new-halloween-safety-signs-will-be-seen-in-ben-hill-county
State-v.-Lomanto_NJ Superior Court 2019

[40:40] https://www.law.com/njlawjournal/2019/10/16/defendant-convicted-of-parking-lot-porn-watching-fails-in-constitutional-challenge-to-public-obscenity-law/

[59:00] https://thecrimereport.org/2019/10/15/where-do-i-get-an-id-prosecutors-endure-the-trials-of-leaving-prison/

[1:05:00] https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-50065713

[1:09:25] https://www.myarklamiss.com/news/local-news/new-app-unveiled-to-keep-predators-away-from-children-in-louisiana/

[1:18:40] Voicemail

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2 thoughts on “RM98: Watching Porn In Your Car is a Bad Idea

  1. Long time listener first-time emailer.

    I wanted to go to my nephew’s high School play so I emailed the superintendent of a school explain. I was on the registry and the other facts and asked if I would be able to attend.
    He replied with yes you are most welcome there’s a few rules you need to follow which was essentially when you get there check in with the administrator on duty always be with an extra adult and upon leaving check out and leave promptly. I enjoyed the play very much and on the way out I was letting the administrator know I was leaving we got pulled over for pictures as I was leaving she says I just wave on your way by if I see you everything went very well.

    There’s a different School district a friend of mine owns a local football team and this last summer I wanted to go to one of his games so I emailed that school and they weren’t quite as cooperative and said it would constitute as loitering even though it was in the summer and to be on the football team you have to be 18 years of age or older.

    My therapist and agent we’re both very okay with me going they never did figure out why the one school denied me.

    So I think it’s a lot of it has to do with the superintendent’s openness to treat registrants as humans.

    Keep up the good work

    P.S. I live in South Dakota and there is more than seven people reside here.

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