RM86: Snider v Indiana with Attorney Ashley Cloud

We are joined this week by Ashley Cloud, who is the is the staff attorney for Liberty & Justice Coalition, the New Mexico affiliate of NARSOL  We three take another swing at Gundy. Then we move over to Snider v Indiana, a huge victory handled down by a federal judge in Indiana a couple of weeks ago. We talk with Ashley about the new position she holds and what cases New Mexico is going to work on.

Our articles tonight first covers putting ankle monitors on people, with no rhyme or reason; Statute of limitations is over in Illinois. Over; An article from the Huffington post with a shocking title, with awesome content – The SO laws DO NOT make kids safer; How peremptory strikes are a misused tool by prosecutors; Scalia called Stevens arrogant, but it was evolved; Teen tazed by officer has brain damage four years later; The Feds are going to start executing people again for the first time in nearly 20 years; Over 20 academics in Philly call into question the reporting of increased crime; 25 Families of registered citizens file suit challenging the registry – This is VERY COOL!

[57:20] Antonin Scalia

[1:07:30] https://www.themarshallproject.org/2019/07/15/illinois-puts-ankle-monitors-on-thousands-of-people-now-it-has-to-figure-out-exactly-who-gets-tracked-and-why

[1:13:00] https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-sexual-assault-statute-of-limitations-20190726-pe7hwzphovf2vnvtfoddhmhlby-story.html

[1:17:30] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sex-offender-laws-dont-make-children-safer-politicians-keep-passing-them-anyway_n_5d2c8571e4b02a5a5d5e96d1

[1:23:30] https://theappeal.org/the-power-of-peremptory-strikes/

[1:27:25] https://theappeal.org/scalia-called-stevenss-evolution-arrogance-it-was-the-opposite/

[ 1:31:00] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/timothy-runnels-bryce-masters-taser_n_57571f6de4b07823f95188c9

[1:38:30] https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/25/william-barr-orders-first-federal-executions-in-nearly-two-decades.html

[1:41:00] https://www.phillyvoice.com/two-dozen-philly-academics-inquirer-crime-coverage-undermines-criminal-justice-reform/

[1:48:50] https://www.moberlymonitor.com/news/20190723/federal-suit-challenges-sex-offender-registry

Snider v Indiana_2019

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RM81: AK High Court Law Requiring All Sex Offenders To Register Unconstitutional

In this somewhat abbreviated episode, which we recorded in our super secret hideaway bunker, we cover the recent Alaska ruling requiring all registrants to register unconstitutional. But before we get there, we talked about people being restricted from libraries, and what it means that FaceBook is a publicly traded, but private company; Florida is at it again forcing registrants from the new(ish) home, but where do they go???; Pittsburgh warns registrants of a phone scam working its way through their ranks; Cuba Gooding Jr and Brian Singer accused of sexual misconduct and will try to defend himself from those allegations – he believes the system will treat him fairly; Cop uses SnapChat filter to switch his gender to nab people looking to hookup with a teen girl; We have a clip of Scalia talking about interpreting the law; and of course, this great decision out of Alaska regarding requiring all registrants to register as unconstitutional.

[13:00] https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/homeless-sex-offenders-booted-offered-shelter-by-frank-diazs-united-we-all-can-11191829

[20:40] https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2019/06/10/sex-offender-phone-scam/

[25:20] https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Student-Uses-Snapchats-Gender-Switch-Filter-to-Nab-Cop-Allegedly-Looking-to-Hook-Up-With-Teen-Girl-511113282.html

[32:22] https://www.ozy.com/presidential-daily-brief/pdb-94954/hetoo-94968

[48:20] https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/alaska-supreme-court-says-law-requiring-all-sex-offenders-to-register-is-unconstitutional

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