RM181: Lifetime Placement on Sex Offender Registry Unconstitutional: SC Supreme Court Rules

On tonight’s program, we have a landmark case out of South Carolina that we’re going to talk about dealing with PFRs and the constitutionality of the registry. We have a lead in case we’re going to talk about the Armed Career Crime Act or ACCA. We’re going to talk about a Supreme Court decision. We’ve got a prisoner contribution. We’ve got a NARSOL member contribution from the website. And I think we’ve got a patron question, and we’ve got all sorts of good things. We’re gonna be here trying to jam pack all this into a one-hour podcast!

[1:47] Can the international Megan’s Law be valid? Shouldn’t something like that go through the treaty process?

[7:02] Would the mass media crucify right leaning politicians making improvements to the lives of PFRs?

[14:37] Transcript listener comment on the reliability of the podcast

[19:24] Lifetime Placement on Sex Offender Registry Unconstitutional: SC Supreme Court Rules


Read The Transcript RM181: Lifetime Placement on Sex Offender Registry Unconstitutional: SC Supreme Court Rules


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RM103: State vs Morger – Illinois Social Media Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

Registry Matters 103 is in the house. We have an incredibly good decision for our side in Illinois. State vs Morger. They ruled that a social media ban is unconstitutional. They said that a probationer cannot be totally banned from the Internet; it must be narrowly tailored. This decision is great news for those on the registry and their ability to use the Internet.

In New Jersey, the text says “offense free”, not “sex offense free” to be removed from registry requirements; Mom is topless in her home may have to register as a sex offender; State of Illinois versus Conrad Morger – While on probation, a total ban on the Internet is ruled unconstitutional; Detainees in San Francisco jails are held for years with no natural light and other shameful conditions; Utah is piloting a program to afford those incarcerated with a college education; Online child abuse is an incredibly hard problem to solve and a patchwork of laws doesn’t make it any easier; Therapist had an inappropriate relationship with a patient; Inmates cost significantly more money as they age, a batch of articles covers death behind bars and a myriad of problems that go with it; West Virginia inmates that wish to read will be charged by the minute for the books on their tablets;

[2:37] https://www.courthousenews.com/registered-forever-nj-offenders-fight-for-reprieve/
New Jersey Registration_2019

[11:20] https://www.kwtx.com/content/news/Mother-charged-may-have-to-register-as-sex-offender-after-being-topless-in-her-home-565211722.html
Utah Statute_Lewdness_2019

[23:40] State v Morger_IL_Social Media Ban

[58:20] https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-wades-into-debate-over-conditions-at-san-francisco-jails/

[1:03:10] https://www.kuer.org/post/prison-saved-my-life-utah-inmates-seeing-new-horizons-college-coursework?fbclid=IwAR3yOB3uDZfkUR7dui8mnoYmJofQdCftyazj59zrAKwiRSp-SdDMYWyCrhI#stream/0

[1:09:30] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/12/us/online-child-sex-abuse.html

[1:17:15] https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2019-11-19/ap-exclusive-therapist-broke-rules-with-iowa-sex-predator

[1:20:00] https://theappeal.org/death-by-incarceration-pennsylvania-photo-essay/

[1:26:30] https://reason.com/2019/11/22/west-virginia-inmates-will-be-charged-by-the-minute-to-read-e-books-on-tablets/

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RM97: Touching Someone’s Arm is a Sex Crime

I’m pleased to announce Episode 97 of Registry Matters. We begin with a quick update of the civil commitment hearing for Galen Baughman. It isn’t great news, sadly. Then an update on the Georgia Halloween challenge. A listener phones in a question asking if it’s better to tell an employer, or keep it hidden. Court rules against revoking a man’s supervision for not answering his door; Court-ordered settlement agreement in South Carolina denying counsel to people who are poor, along with a settlement; Connecticut Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of sentencing a 14 year old to 40 years; A quick detour in the criminal justice position of the Democratic candidates; Virginia Governor restores civil rights to 22,000 felons; Victims advocates in Missouri are trying to remove the statute of limitations; DC individuals on ankle monitors can be audio recorded without any prior knowledge; Floyd County Georgia is implementing a system to flag registered persons before they can get on school campus; 19 year old in Manchester touched a 17 year old’s arm and is possibly going to be put on the registry; Newton County Georgia will have presentations for registrants on Halloween for the 13th year in a row; Scalia on evolving standards doesn’t mean they are improvements

[4:05] Breaking new regarding Galen Baughman and updates on the Georgia Halloween Challenge

[20:10] https://www.2dca.org/content/download/538326/6074902/file/181892_39_10042019_08163978_i.pdf

[29:10] https://thecrimereport.org/2019/10/11/a-victory-for-poor-defendants-in-south-carolina/

[42:05] https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2019/10/10/state-high-court-upholds-constitutionality-of-sentencing-child-to-40-years-imprisonment/

[49:30] https://www.themarshallproject.org/2019/10/10/2020-the-democrats-on-criminal-justice

[55:00] https://www.whsv.com/content/news/Virginia-governor-says-hes-restored-civil-rights-to-22K-felons-562728981.html

[57:35] https://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/faith-and-values/advocates-call-for-missouri-to-join-other-states-in-lifting/article_94851dd6-14e5-5920-bc92-71d363230f1c.html

[1:07:00] https://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/news/article/21091206/dc-agency-purchases-ankle-monitors-that-can-record-defendants-every-word-and-motion

[1:14:00] https://docs.google.com/document/d/12xQ6hlefBGxqPoqN80_ShyD9WXvToD2KVkUXqolCPvw/edit?usp=drivesdk

[1:21:50] https://reason.com/2019/10/11/manchester-teen-griffiths-sex-offender-friend/

[1:25:30] https://www.covnews.com/news/crime/ncso-host-13th-annual-halloween-shut-sex-offenders/

[1:32:15] – Evolving standards could go both ways

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RM86: Snider v Indiana with Attorney Ashley Cloud

We are joined this week by Ashley Cloud, who is the is the staff attorney for Liberty & Justice Coalition, the New Mexico affiliate of NARSOL  We three take another swing at Gundy. Then we move over to Snider v Indiana, a huge victory handled down by a federal judge in Indiana a couple of weeks ago. We talk with Ashley about the new position she holds and what cases New Mexico is going to work on.

Our articles tonight first covers putting ankle monitors on people, with no rhyme or reason; Statute of limitations is over in Illinois. Over; An article from the Huffington post with a shocking title, with awesome content – The SO laws DO NOT make kids safer; How peremptory strikes are a misused tool by prosecutors; Scalia called Stevens arrogant, but it was evolved; Teen tazed by officer has brain damage four years later; The Feds are going to start executing people again for the first time in nearly 20 years; Over 20 academics in Philly call into question the reporting of increased crime; 25 Families of registered citizens file suit challenging the registry – This is VERY COOL!

[57:20] Antonin Scalia

[1:07:30] https://www.themarshallproject.org/2019/07/15/illinois-puts-ankle-monitors-on-thousands-of-people-now-it-has-to-figure-out-exactly-who-gets-tracked-and-why

[1:13:00] https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-sexual-assault-statute-of-limitations-20190726-pe7hwzphovf2vnvtfoddhmhlby-story.html

[1:17:30] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sex-offender-laws-dont-make-children-safer-politicians-keep-passing-them-anyway_n_5d2c8571e4b02a5a5d5e96d1

[1:23:30] https://theappeal.org/the-power-of-peremptory-strikes/

[1:27:25] https://theappeal.org/scalia-called-stevenss-evolution-arrogance-it-was-the-opposite/

[ 1:31:00] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/timothy-runnels-bryce-masters-taser_n_57571f6de4b07823f95188c9

[1:38:30] https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/25/william-barr-orders-first-federal-executions-in-nearly-two-decades.html

[1:41:00] https://www.phillyvoice.com/two-dozen-philly-academics-inquirer-crime-coverage-undermines-criminal-justice-reform/

[1:48:50] https://www.moberlymonitor.com/news/20190723/federal-suit-challenges-sex-offender-registry

Snider v Indiana_2019

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RM81: AK High Court Law Requiring All Sex Offenders To Register Unconstitutional

In this somewhat abbreviated episode, which we recorded in our super secret hideaway bunker, we cover the recent Alaska ruling requiring all registrants to register unconstitutional. But before we get there, we talked about people being restricted from libraries, and what it means that FaceBook is a publicly traded, but private company; Florida is at it again forcing registrants from the new(ish) home, but where do they go???; Pittsburgh warns registrants of a phone scam working its way through their ranks; Cuba Gooding Jr and Brian Singer accused of sexual misconduct and will try to defend himself from those allegations – he believes the system will treat him fairly; Cop uses SnapChat filter to switch his gender to nab people looking to hookup with a teen girl; We have a clip of Scalia talking about interpreting the law; and of course, this great decision out of Alaska regarding requiring all registrants to register as unconstitutional.

[13:00] https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/homeless-sex-offenders-booted-offered-shelter-by-frank-diazs-united-we-all-can-11191829

[20:40] https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2019/06/10/sex-offender-phone-scam/

[25:20] https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Student-Uses-Snapchats-Gender-Switch-Filter-to-Nab-Cop-Allegedly-Looking-to-Hook-Up-With-Teen-Girl-511113282.html

[32:22] https://www.ozy.com/presidential-daily-brief/pdb-94954/hetoo-94968

[48:20] https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/alaska-supreme-court-says-law-requiring-all-sex-offenders-to-register-is-unconstitutional

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RM66: Court Provides New Tool To Challenge Registration

On Episode 66 of Registry Matters, we cover a couple listener questions; New York Supreme Court says you can’t put someone on Sex Offender supervision for a non-sexual offense; Concrete thrown through window day after police detail removed; We have a double standard between sexes in sexual offenses; Democrats extend statute of limitations in New York leading to a big uptick in attorney shopping; SCOTUS oral arguments lead to speculation regarding cases involving registrants;  Sex trafficking (not really) in Florida; Vets with Tier III offenses forfeit their right of military burial; Man in Boone, Iowa is allowed on school property – but other parents don’t want him there; SCOTUS expands precedent on ineffective counsel; Compliance checks with a full on police force and camera crew – are you sure this is a civil regulatory scheme; Media outlet fearmongering on California bill; 3rd Circuit provides a new vehicle to get into court for relief (Great news!)


[24:25] http://www.nycourts.gov/reporter/3dseries/2019/2019_01267.htm

[30:10] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/police-monitoring-of-sex-offenders-home-cost-nearly-dollar103000/ar-BBTW4BT

[32:50] https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/southwest-valley/2019/02/27/brittany-zamora-public-records-detail-goodyear-teacher-sexual-assault-allegations-student/2980023002/

[40:24] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/basketball_nba/law-would-ban-sex-offenders-from-some-multi-unit-buildings-houses-in-maine/ar-BBU3y5v?ocid=st

[43:25] https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2019/02/25/ny-law-firms-taking-more-child-sex-abuse-cases-in-wake-of-new-laws-enactment/

[52:20] https://www.scotusblog.com/2019/02/argument-analysis-court-poised-to-rule-for-challenger-in-dispute-over-constitutionality-of-sex-offender-law/

[1:01:50] https://reason.com/blog/2019/02/25/florida-massage-parlor-sex-stings
[source] https://reason.com/archives/2015/09/30/the-war-on-sex-trafficking-is

[1:06:15] https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/02/25/2019-03078/prohibition-of-interment-or-memorialization-of-persons-who-have-been-convicted-of-federal-or-state

[1:08:40] https://www.weareiowa.com/news/local-news/registered-sex-offender-allowed-in-boone-schools/1815220566

[1:12:00] https://www.courthousenews.com/supreme-court-expands-precedent-on-ineffective-counsel/

[1:15:40] https://narsol.org/2019/03/routine-compliance-checks-are-anything-but/

[1:20:20] https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ca-democrats-lgbtq-bill-pedophiles/
[source] https://web.archive.org/web/20190223185752/https://thewashingtonpundit.com/2019/02/21/ca-democrats-introduce-lgbtq-bill-that-would-protect-pedophiles-who-rape-children/

[1:22:05] https://www.registrymatters.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Third-Circuit_2019_Habeas.pdf

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RM55: States Rights Rule The Day

Larry and Andy cover an update about the appeal (or lack thereof) in NC in Meredith v. Stein; Attorney defending a guy of rape in the #MeToo era; Dire straights in Louisiana’s Public Defenders office; Farm bill passes with status-quo work requirements; You become out of sight, out of mind when you go to prison; GOP is possibly not the law and order party they profess; We probably shouldn’t lock up children with adults (what a concept); Why do people download CP; Out of Ohio, Doe vs. Michael Dewine, Ohio Attorney General

[13:00] https://abovethelaw.com/2018/12/trying-a-sex-case-as-a-woman-in-the-metoo-era/

[22:00] https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/politics/article_2c1eb370-fe35-11e8-9599-e7bf2f7d1341.html

[36:00] https://www.npr.org/2018/12/11/673453156/farm-bill-compromise-reached-with-snap-changes-out-industrial-hemp-in

[42:20] https://www.themarshallproject.org/2017/04/03/what-i-learned-about-justice-reporting-from-inside-prison

[50:00] https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/is-the-gop-the-law-and-order-party-not-so-much/2018/12/10/b646336e-fcc0-11e8-ad40-cdfd0e0dd65a_story.html

[1:00:00] https://www.themarshallproject.org/2018/12/12/the-criminal-justice-reform-bill-you-ve-never-heard-of?ref=hp-1-111

[1:05:20] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/witness/201705/why-are-these-men-downloading-child-pornography

[1:12:00] No17-3857

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RM37 – Life In Prison Without Due Process

In this weeks show, Larry and Andy take a deep dive into civil commitment. But prior to that, a few comments from people on Twitter have comments about last week’s show. There are articles covering the whole spectrum of issues. Such as: Under what conditions should an 11 year old girl get taser treatment; Why is that more people are locked up for technical violations than new crimes?; Do it make sense to help inmates re-acclimate to post prison life?; Does a prison sentence mean death because you can’t get your insulin. An action packed, exciting episode!

This week, I’d like to thank a new patron – that wishes to remain anonymous. She comes in at the Hustler level. Very exciting! Send me a message with an address, so that I can send you an exquisite Registry Matters Blue Ball.

[2:50] To Reclassify Sex Offenders, Mass. SJC Says Sex Offender Registry Board Has Burden Of Proof

[8:46] I tweeted part of conversation last week about the man in OH that can’t see his son.
Do you have a fundamental right to be with your spouse & your children?
We’ve got court decisions that say you can marry whoever you want. I would think that would extend your children too. I would like to think your children are basic right.
I have a quick question about the fundamental right to your family. Someone commented on Twitter that the AWA removes that fundamental right. I’ve asked for the specific language, – still waiting. I was hoping you could expand on it.

[15:50] This was written by Joshua Vaughn – from The Appeal.org. Failure-to-comply Arrests Reveal Flaws In Sex Offender Registries
Basically, the psychologists say that the registry creates a false sense of security. And to drive the sense of security home, since they aren’t rearresting people for new crimes.

[21:00] This article comes from Governing.com. And we’ll just cover it briefly that there is a trial going on in North Dakota. They are taking a much softer hand in criminal justice and helping people get back on their feet. Teaching them soft skills like shopping smarter. They actually take them for supervised grocery store visits.

[28:57] Court upholds ex-Stanford swimmer’s sex assault conviction

[33:30] An 11-year-old was accused of shoplifting. An off-duty officer Tasered her in the back.

[44:06] From the The Tennessean.com – At Tennessee’s largest prison, diabetic inmates say they are denied insulin to ‘maximize profits’

[50:05] A question on Twitter from Marie
Do kids have a right to be with their parents? They have the right to “divorce” their parents (dont they?), which implies the right to choose. Maybe kids should sue the state for interfering in family relationships.

[58:00] Civil commitment questions:
Is there a standard of evidence to be placed into it?
Is it criminal or civil?
Does the individual have a right to representation?
Is there a standard to get out?
Do the treatment providers have an incentive to keep you in?

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RM37 – Life In Prison Without Due Process
